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Introduction to Computational Media: Week 4



This Week's worksheet had a few assignments that were simpler than last week but some were quite challenging. I think I struggled the most when creating the checkered board. I thought it would be easy and I had the logic mapped out in my head but when I tried it, the whole grid turned black. So I had to keep experimenting and trying different things to get it to work. During one of those trials, I did manage to get it right.

Overall, I really enjoyed the class and the assignments this week because loops (especially the for loop) make things so much easier. During the last few weeks, I was really tempted to use loops for some of the assignments but I'm glad I waited because now I realize how important and efficient they are.


For this week's creative assignment I decided to make a pattern that resembles wall tiles. I also combined the grid assignment from the worksheet and some elements of the 10PRINT example to create this pattern. When you start the code it's a simple grid, but when you press the mouse the pattern starts appearing. If you keep the mouse pressed, the entire wall/grid will be filled with tiles and once it reaches the end it will start over.

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